Gefundene Beiträge: 498
Gefundene Beiträge: 498
World Future Council, 2021
What are the best practices and sustainable solutions for our common future? How can we leave the planet in a better state for future generations? Welcome to the World Future Council's first podcast! Explore our work and the answers to these questions by listening to intergenerational dialogues between our founders, some of our most experienced Council members, and young entrepreneurs and activists from around the world. This podcast series provides a behind-the-scenes look at how a revolutionary idea became a reality, from the World Future Council's beginnings to its current agenda - offering inspiration, laughs, best practices, and food for thought. In each episode, our Council members will be joined by young activists and changemakers from around the world who are also part of our Youth:Present forum.
UN Environment Programme, 2022
Es gibt zahlreiche lokale, nationale, regionale und globale Gesetze und Instrumente zu unseren Menschenrechten im Umweltbereich. Kennen Sie Ihre Rechte und nehmen Sie sie wahr, um sicherzustellen, dass die Aufgaben, Pflichten und Verantwortlichkeiten erfüllt werden.
Plan International Deutschland e. V. & Save the Children Deutschland e. V., 2022
Refugee families face many challenges in Germany. They have to find their way around a new system, overcome language barriers and clear numerous bureaucratic hurdles. With this picture and read-aloud book, we want to inform children and parents about their rights, break down barriers to support services for children and young people, and make state assistance known. "Schön, dass du da bist!" has been translated into Arabic, Albanian, Dari, English, French, Russian, Somali, Tigrinya, Turkish and Ukrainian. All languages are available for download at the link.
Plan International Deutschland, 2018
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, 2022
Brot für die Welt, 2017
World Future Council Foundation, 2019
Das neue Handbuch "Advancing Education for sustainable Development" Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung vorantreiben beleuchtet die Faktoren, die dazu beitragen, BNE strukturell, z. B. durch politische Rahmenbedingungen, und in der Praxis, anhand von Fallstudien, erfolgreich umzusetzen. Gleichzeitig zeigt es die Trends und Perspektiven auf, die diese ganzheitliche, progressive und transformative Bildung mit sich bringt.
Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, 2011
Amadeu Antonio Stiftung, 2018
Amnesty International, 2023