Gefundene Beiträge: 462
Gefundene Beiträge: 462
Deutscher Caritasverband, 2016
Children are allowed to say no!" - in seven languages available at the link. Supporting children, strengthening their self-confidence and enabling them to speak out when dealing with violence - that is the aim of the brochure "Children can say no". The target group is professionals in daycare centers and early intervention centers.
Grundschule an der Karl-Lerbs-Straße in Bremen, 2021
UNICEF Deutschland, 2022
Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, 2018
Makista e. V., 2020
Makista e. V., 2019
Deutsches Komitee für UNICEF e.V., 2017
The colorful poster by Wolfgang Friesslich contains illustrations of children's everyday lives. The individual scenes provide a context for the ten most important children's rights, which are also briefly described in four languages: German, English, Farsi and Arabic.
KinderRechteForum, 2022
Makista e. V., 2022
UNICEF Deutschland, 2022