Gefundene Beiträge: 257
Gefundene Beiträge: 257
Informations- und Dokumentationszentrum für Antirassismusarbeit e. V. IDA, 2022
DIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, 2022
German Education Server
As a central guide to the education system in Germany and as a source of information on education worldwide, the German Education Server offers all interested parties access to high-quality information and Internet resources - fast, up-to-date, comprehensive and free of charge. As a meta-server, it primarily refers to Internet resources provided by the federal and state governments, the European Union, universities, schools, state institutes, research and service facilities, and specialized information institutions, among others.
National Coalition Deutschland, 2020
National Coalition Deutschland, 2021
National Coalition Deutschland, 2019
National Coalition Deutschland, 2021
After the hearing, the National Coalition Germany, had 24 hours to formulate a written addendum to address issues that did not receive enough attention during the hearing. Some delegation members took advantage of this opportunity.
National Coalition Deutschland, 2021