Gefundene Beiträge: 4
Gefundene Beiträge: 4
Fröbel Bildung und Erziehung gGmbH, 2022
KinderRechteForum, 2022
Plan International Deutschland e. V. & Save the Children Deutschland e. V., 2022
Refugee families face many challenges in Germany. They have to find their way around a new system, overcome language barriers and clear numerous bureaucratic hurdles. With this picture and read-aloud book, we want to inform children and parents about their rights, break down barriers to support services for children and young people, and make state assistance known. "Schön, dass du da bist!" has been translated into Arabic, Albanian, Dari, English, French, Russian, Somali, Tigrinya, Turkish and Ukrainian. All languages are available for download at the link.
The Office of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, 2022
Links and information on the All-Ukrainian Online School, online resources of the schools and organisations, electronic versions of textbooks, online Pre-school education and extracurricular education.
Link to Ukrainian Version: 1680a5eaa0
Links und Informationen über die Ukrainische Online-Schule, Online-Ressourcen der Schulen und Organisationen, elektronische Versionen von Schulbüchern, Online-Vorschulbildung und außerschulische Bildung.
Link zur ukrainischen Version: 1680a5eaa0